Teaching Experience

2023 - 2024

MSc Supervisor, Bram Biesbrouck

Title: “Practical applications of RMFE in MPC”

Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography (COSIC), KU Leuven

  • Co-supervision of the student throughout the MSc track
  • Organised and directed weekly meetings with the student
  • Provided one-on-one lectures to integrate knowledge and understanding of both curve-based mathematics and secret sharing schemes.

MSc Supervisor, Alisa Slabbinck

Title: “Error Correction in Q3 Secret Sharing Schemes”

Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography (COSIC), KU Leuven

  • Lead Supervisor throughout the MSc track
  • Organised and directed weekly meetings with the student
  • Provided one-on-one lectures to integrate knowledge and understanding of multi-party computation and coding theory
  • Directed and communicated the proceedings and results of various measuring points throughout the MSc track

Teaching Assistant

Course: Advanced Cryptography

Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography (COSIC), KU Leuven

  • Led exercise session for 30+ students based on the given lectures
  • Interacted with the students throughout the course
  • Provided feedback and response to the Lecturer regarding performance and attendance.

2019 - 2020

Teaching Assistant

Course: Discrete Mathematics

Department of Mathematics, University of Bristol

  • Graded assignments and final exam for 200 undergraduate students
  • Assisted the Lecturer and interacted with students during exercise sessions